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Individual Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real, and may not reflect the typical patient experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Every person is different thus, the experiences that we share from other people may not reflect the typical patient experience. However, these results are meant as a showcase of the best results we have seen. In addition, you assume certain risks when receiving cellular therapy.
Regenestem has been extremely successful in treating patients with a wide array of illnesses. We are proud to share some of our patient testimonials as seen below.
Ricardo's Grandaughter
Autism Testimonial
Connie Gigot
COPD Testimonial
Megan Polloco, Italy
COPD Stemcell Testimonial
“In 2009 I was diagnosed with COPD. At first I did not do anything until things slowly started to get worse. In addition, my work environment was not helping the situation-and I ended up in the hospital with respiratory failure and was placed on a ventilator for six days. When I was released from the hospital and went home, I decided that I was going to do anything necessary to try to get my life back-and at 55 years old, I was not going to give up. One of my doctors had mentioned to me that there were studies being done for COPD with positive results in the stem cell field and that I should research it. For the next two years, I diligently did my research and I was even willing to travel outside of the country to get a treatment done. After searching, I found a doctor that was doing treatments for COPD. I immediately called him-and they requested my medical history to see if I could get approved for the treatment. I called my mother to tell her that I found a doctor in Cancun, Mexico that could perform the stem cell treatment, and she supported me. When I found out that I qualified for the treatment I was ecstatic and began to let everyone know that I was going for this stem cell treatment. I was hoping that I could give my life back and do the things that I was doing two years ago: walk the dog, go to the mall, walk through an airport so I could resume traveling. I was not that old that I was going to give into this horrible disease. After all the research I had done I knew this treatment was the only hope I had to get better and resume my life. I finally did the treatment through a nebulizer directly to my lungs and IV. None of my friends or family was against the treatment, and most everyone stayed neutral with their opinions. The only thing I felt I had to lose was the money I would spend for the cost of the treatment. Now that I had the treatment. I truly feel it was the best money I have ever spent! For the first time in two years, I was able to travel. I went to Las Vegas with my niece to celebrate her 21st birthday and I did not need any assistance or wheelchair at the airport. Every week that passed I felt much better and was able to do things that I could not do when I was first diagnosed. I am so happy that I went through with the treatment, I was able to get my life back”.
Mary Furman, Oklahoma City, OK
Rheumatoid Arthritis Stemcell Treatment
“I had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 25 years ago, no one knew what brought it on or why I had it. Nobody in my family had ever had RA. One day, the condition worsened after 25 years of having this horrible disease. Four years ago, I began to deteriorate and could not function normally; I was very weak and began to think that I would end up in a nursing home. I could not bathe or take care of myself. I was extremely concerned about my future. One day, a dear friend had mentioned to me that she had heard about a stem cell procedure that was helping people with RA. So I did my due diligence and ended up getting the treatment done in Mexico. I had no other option; traditional medicine was just not helping my situation, and I was not going to continue the way I was living. I must admit, I was scared at first and did not know what to expect from the treatment. I can say to you that it was the best decision I have ever made-and the treatment “injected” new life into me. Fourty-eight hours after the treatment I felt like a super human. I never remember feeling so well. It took a few months to really feel the positive changes, but after having this disease for two decades it was worth the wait. All my pain went away and my energy levels were back-and I was back to normal.”
Karelia Fernandez, Dominican Republic
COPD Stemcell Treatment
“Approximately 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with COPD-and I am currently 72 years old. I had lost a considerable amount of my lung function and capacity. I would lose my breath and I could not climb stairs-and if I carried my granddaughter, I would suffocate. Things progressively got worse and on my last evaluation three months ago, the doctor discovered that I had lost 35 percent of my lung capacity and things were getting steadly worse. My children were the ones that pushed me to call and make an appointment for the procedure in Cancun Mexico. Surprisingly, it was a simple procedure, and I have improved dramatically. My knee that was also in pain has gottten much better, I can climb up and down the stairs with no effort like before. My lungs, which are the main reason that I went for the procedure, have improved totally! The results have been so good that I have been taking less than half of all the medications I was taking. And it’s the same with the oxygen which allows me to go back to work. I feel great!”
Ramon Gonzalez, Cuba
COPD Stemcell Testimonial
Salvador, Vancouver, CA
Stemcell Treatment
“After the first week of my stem cell transplant, I felt almost immediate results. You would think it was just all in my head, but you have to realize, this is something you can’t fake. When we left Las Vegas, my blood pressure had spiked back up to 170/100 approximately levels before I was diagnosed with kidney disease-and it was high the day of the procedure. One week later, my blood pressure was stable and dropping to more normal levels, approx 130/mid-80s.
When we arrived at the airport in Cancun ,Mexico waiting for the shuttle I was having pain in my left calf from standing, also some discomfort on the bottom of my feet.
When we left Miami(following the procedure), we got to the airport three hours early. And to top it off we were delayed an hour because of a storm. I was amazed at how great I felt. The only aches and pains I was having were from the incisions and lower back… no pain in my calf or feet even though we stood and watched them load planes.
Every day that goes by, I feel younger and stronger. I feel my energy levels increasing. I can’t wait to feel the results in nine months.
I hope to be able to make a difference in someone’s life the way you have affected me.”